Services & Treatments


Almost anyone can benefit from orthotics. Orthotics can alleviate many common foot problems that cause pain and discomfort in otherwise healthy people.

Get your custom-made orthotics from Dapto Podiatry

Orthotics, as we refer to them, are insoles for shoes that are fabricated to enhance the motion of your foot. They are designed to guide the mechanics of the foot to a precise degree that helps the muscles and tendons to perform more efficiently. They provide the support, stability, cushioning and alignment necessary to keep the feet, ankles and lower body comfortable & pain free. They work by modifying the forces between your feet and the ground.


Get your custom-made orthotics from Dapto Podiatry
Dapto Podiatry Clinic Orthotics services

Orthotics can help in situations of:

  • Abnormal shoe wear (one side of the sole of the shoe wears out faster than the other)
  • Flat feet
  • High-arched foot structure
  • Heel pain
  • Bunions
  • Callus formation
  • Chronic heel (plantar fasciitis), knee, or low back pain
  • Frequent ankle sprains
  • Gait abnormalities (feet point inward or excessively outward during walking)
  • Shin pain (shin splints)

Orthotics come in a variety of styles from custom made to prefabricated, firm to soft devices. They are designed for different activities, various different types of foot wear and various ailments. It is our job to find the best match for you.

Book an appointment

Dapto Podiatry is your local orthotic specialist, call us on 02 4261 6909 or enquire online.

Call Dapto Podiatry Clinic for all your foot care needs